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Spikes Angular Components - Docs

Here you will find more information about the usage of the components. For dependencies and install instructions go to the readme.



The treeview component is built starting from the following requirements:


<spikes-treeview [treeviewItems]="treeviewItems" [treeviewConfiguration]="treeviewConfiguration"></spikes-treeview>
import * as tree from 'spikes-ng2-components';

  selector: 'app-spikes-treeview-demo',
  templateUrl: './spikes-treeview-demo.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./spikes-treeview-demo.component.css']
export class SpikesTreeviewDemoComponent implements OnInit {

  treeviewItems: Array<tree.ITreeviewItem> = [];
  treeviewConfiguration: tree.ITreeviewConfiguration = new tree.TreeviewConfiguration({
    showToggleAll: true

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {}


Option Description Default
initExpandAll Expand all items initially (todo) false
showToggleAll Show expand/collapse buttons false
showSelection Show checkboxes true
mainFont Font for expand/collapse and checkbox icons fa
expandIcon Icon for expand fa-chevron-right
collapseIcon Icon for collapse fa-chevron-down
checkedIcon Icon for checked fa-check-square-o
uncheckedIcon Icon for unchecked fa-square-o
checkedIcon Icon for checked fa-minus-square-o

Getting selected items

///Get a flat list of selected items
TreeviewHelper.getTreeviewSelectedItems(items: Array<ITreeviewItem>): Array<ITreeviewItem>
///Get a list of selected items grouped by level in the treeview
TreeviewHelper.getTreeviewSelectedItemsPerLevel(items: Array<ITreeviewItem>): Array<ITreeviewLevel>

Sample Data

private initTreeview():void{
    let items: Array<tree.ITreeviewItem> = [];

    items = [...this.getMockTreeviewItems("TopLevel", 5)]
    items.forEach(item => {
      item.childItems = [...this.getMockTreeviewItems("DirectChild", 4)];
      item.childItems.forEach(i => {
        i.childItems = [...this.getMockTreeviewItems("LowestLevel", 3)];

    this.treeviewItems = [...items];

  private getMockTreeviewItems(text: string, itemCount: number): Array<tree.ITreeviewItem>{
    let items: Array<tree.ITreeviewItem> = [];

    for(let i: number = 0; i < itemCount; i++){
        new tree.TreeviewItem ({
          id: i+1,
          displayText: `${text}-${(i+1).toString()}`,
          itemState: tree.CheckState.Unchecked

    return items;



Timeline is a visual representation of a number of steps. Clicking on a step moves the focus to that step and outputs an event on which you can subscribe to do something.


<spikes-timeline [timelineItems]="timelineItems" (timelineItemClick)="onTimelineItemAction($event)"></spikes-timeline>
import * as tl from 'spikes-ng2-components';

  selector: 'app-spikes-timeline-demo',
  templateUrl: './spikes-timeline-demo.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./spikes-timeline-demo.component.css']
export class SpikesTimelineDemoComponent implements OnInit {

  timelineItems: Array<tl.ITimelineItem> = [];

  constructor() { }

  ngOnInit() {
    this.timelineItems = [...this.createTimelineItems(5)];

  private onTimelineItemAction(item: tl.ITimelineEventArgs){
    console.log('TimelineItem Clicked');
    this.timelineItems = [...this.createTimelineItems(6)]

  private createTimelineItems(maxItems: number): Array<tl.ITimelineItem>{
    let items: Array<tl.ITimelineItem> = [];
    for (let i: number = 0; i < maxItems; i++){
      items.push(new tl.TimelineItem({
        id: i,
        displayText: `Item ${i.toString()}`,
        color: i < 2 ? 'primary' : i < 3 ? 'secondary' : i === 3 || i === 5 ? 'test' : 'grey',
        isActive: i === 0 ? true : false
    return items;


There’s no configuration at this time. Maybe later on additional features can be added.


By default, 3 colors can be set on a timeline item:

It is however easy to provide additional colors. Custom coloring (name=test):

  background-color: #de6764;

    border-left: 12px solid #de6764;